The Weather is Cold in Edmonton; Web Design and Development is Hot

Edmonton website development

It’s cold in Edmonton, Alberta. Here, people hook up their cars to engine block heaters so the car will start when needed.

So what do people do while they’re hunkered down for a long winter’s night that lasts for months and months?

Web design and development, that’s what. While you’re on the beach, those guys and gals up north are creating Edmonton SEO services and Edmonton internet marketing campaigns, thinking about new ways to help their customers make money.

Many websites can use a little help in their web design and development. If you have a small business, there’s an 88 percent probability that you’re the principal marketer.

So let’s say you’re smart enough to make the first move and contract somebody in Edmonton web design to do your website design and development.

They tell you they’re putting your website together to enhance SEO. You say, “I thought my SEO was okay. My wife says my picture looks great.”

“Your SEO is nowhere to be found,” they tell you.

But there’s help. The lads and lasses from Edmonton can be wizards in getting your website noticed and in attracting customers to it. You’re told that content based SEO is best for your web design and development.

“Not to worry,” they say. “That just means you have good stuff to read and look at on your site, and that draws people to it.” They tell you that good content, part of good web design and development, is more likely to be accessed by people using a search engine than are sponsored links: people don’t want to read an ad, they want to find something out. A healthy SEO makes a huge difference in lead generation: that’s what 40 percent of business to consumer marketers say.

The reach of Edmonton web design and development firms is increasing, with clients now in the states. Why not? Customers know how hard those guys and gals are working…

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